Akasa cable ties hookandloop selffastening. It is easily adjusted to suit cable sizes. It is an essential product to protect cables, improve airflow and show off your system with style. Hookandloop self fastening, reuse again and again. Easily adjusted to suit cable sizes. Made from tough and durable nylon.
- Akasa

Akasa (Europe) Ltd
UK Address:
Unit 31, Metropolitan Centre,
Tauton Road,
UB6 8UQ,
Website (UK): akasa.co.uk
Email (UK): sales@akasa.co.uk
EU Address:
De Donge 17,
5684 PX Best,
The Netherlands
Website (EU): akasa.co.uk
Email (EU): euinfo@akasa-europe.com
This product complies with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) and meets all relevant EU safety standards.
For detailed compliance documents, please review the provided link above.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, you can:
- Contact the manufacturer directly at the listed addresses or support emails.
- Email Northamber Product Safety at productsafety@northamber.com.